New research in FASEB magazine shows that exposure of white blood cells to UVA light in agar to induce DNA damage can predict whether a person has cancer or is at risk for cancer
American Federation of Experimental Biology Societies
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Edited by Nancy E. Kleckner of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, approved on July 1, 2021 (reviewed on October 22, 2020)
The round chromosomes in rod-shaped bacteria exist in the cell in two different configuratio
The mouse in the tire wheel, winner, young close-up photographer of the year: a mouse peeking out of the abandoned... []
Under the motto "Re-examine the world", more than 9,000 photographers from 56 countries/regions participated in this year's Close-up Photographer of the Year (CUPOTY) co
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Pathologists often use tissue samples and microscopes to help diagnose diseases such as cancer. But di
"Dr. Carrie Madej: The first U.S. laboratory to examine the'vaccine' vials, and the terrible findings show that," the title of September 29, 2021 claimed that this video has been viewed more than 2.5 million times on the video sharing platform Rumble. The clip is a segment of the Stew Peters Show
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Open access for scientific and medical research
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Today’s entrepreneur is David West, the co-founder and CEO of Proscia, a company that uses artificial intelligence to help pathologists improve patient outcomes.
Proscia's platform is called Concentriq, which allows diagnostic laboratories and life science companies to capture, view, mana
New York-Castle Biosciences plans to acquire Cernostics for $80 million to accelerate the sales and marketing of a test to predict the progression from Barrett's esophagus to high-grade dysplasia or esophageal adenocarcinoma.
In addition, the transaction is in line with Castle Bio’s