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Histology is the microscopic study of cells and tissues and plays a central role in disease diagnosis. Through the identification of characteristic fe
Malaria Journal volume 21, Article number: 122 (2022 ) Cite this article
Microscopic examination of Giemsa-stained blood films remains the reference standard for malaria parasite dete
Information for the HMS Community (Updated April 20, 2022)
An image from a Minerva story on lung cancer. Click here to access the annotated story. Image: Minerva
For many of us, Google Maps has become an indispensable daily tool: We pop open a web browser and instantly acces
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MediSCAPE, a high-speed 3D microscope designed by Columbia Engineers, can see real-time cellular detail in living tissues to guide surgery, speed up t
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In the legal profession, information is the key to success. You have to know what’s happening with clients, competitors, practice areas, and industries. Law360 provides the intelligence you need to remain an expert and beat the
The Nord N20 5G packs a decent spec sheet for a low price. Along with an AMOLED screen and 4500 mAh battery, did expandable storage make the cut?
The OnePlus Nord N20 5G is OnePlus's newest budget smartphone for the U.S., and if you want a phone with expandable storage, it could be a g
Last year AAA anticipated a record-breaking 115.6 million Americans hit the road for the holidays. This year, due to the pandemic, those numbers promise to be way down. Consequently, everybody from airlines to hotels to luggage manufacturers are scrambling a bit to make up losses in the bedrag
GLOUCESTER POINT — On a weekday morning in December, Eric Hilton reached down to a table covered in piscine paraphernalia: fish skeletons, piles of fish bones, colorfully dyed fish sitting in small, clear tubs of liquid.
He picked up a jar of floating tiny fish, preserved for posteri